“Dacci oggi il nostro orrore quotidiano”

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Ritorno a casa

Pubblicato da mariacristina il 7 settembre 2007

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                                 RITORNO A CASA   


Non credevo che l’avrei mai fatto.  Non ora, almeno. Ma dopo, venti anni di dimenticanza e di abbandono, eccomi di nuovo qui. Sono tornata a Santa Cunegonda. Sono tornata a casa.

Strana casa, la  mia. Quella di un’orfana cresciuta in un monastero sepolto tra le montagne più selvagge dell’Appennino. Avevo cinque anni quando i miei morirono travolti da un camion. Nessuno chiarì mai le circostanze dell’incidente. Non avevo parenti, se non una lontana zia di mia madre, della quale non conoscevo nemmeno l’esistenza, che faceva come mestiere la badessa di un convento carmelitano.

Si chiamava Teodolinda. Era una strana monaca selvaggia ed austera, ma mi accolse nella casa dove viveva insieme ad altre dodici suore. Sono cresciuta con loro. Sono state per lungo tempo la  mia famiglia. Poi, sono riuscita a fuggire.

Ora, però, Teodolinda mi ha chiamata. Ed eccomi qui, mentre mi inerpico lungo la statale 316 lungo i fianchi  scoscesi della montagna.

Sotto gli ultimi raggi del sole morente, l’abbazia si para alla mia vista: isolata ed altera nel punto più impervio della giogaia. Osservo le sue mura antiche e muschiose che sembrano fondersi con le rocce calcaree dell’Appennino e sento un lungo brivido di terrore percorrermi la schiena.

Io ho paura di Santa Cunegonda.

Sorge su una terra maledetta dove, per secoli e secoli prima dell’arrivo dei Romani, visse un popolo sacro, di maghi ed di indovini: dedito al combattimento solo per potersi procurare vittime da offrire in sacrificio alla grande madre Terra. Dicevano che, per essere fertile e dare i suoi frutti, la Terra aveva bisogno di bere, e solo il sangue umano sapeva dissetarla. Il sangue nutriva le zolle e penetrava in profondità, dove il chicco di grano riposava durante l’inverno gelato. Il sangue destava il seme e carezzava il germoglio. Il sangue rendeva verdi le messi.

Da ragazza, rovistando nell’antica biblioteca del convento, mi imbattei in un piccolo incunabolo grigio, dai fogli incartapecoriti, rosi dal tempo e dall’abbandono. Era l’”Historia tribolationum hordinis sanctae Cunegondae” di un certo Frate Francesco da Sellano, vissuto in Umbria al tempo della dominazione longobarda. Aveva raccolto i racconti e le leggende che, allora, circolavano sugli antichi abitanti di quei luoghi. Egli ricordava con raccapriccio che i suoi antenati, oltre ad essere dediti ai sacrifici umani, praticavano anche il cannibalismo. Erano soliti, infatti, bere essi stessi il sangue caldo delle loro vittime credendo, in tal modo, di assimilarne la forza vitale e di sopravvivere oltre la morte. Non solo, ma tali pratiche non andarono mai completamente deserte. Così, quando di quelle popolazioni italiche si perse ogni traccia,  quei riti perversi e crudeli si preservarono in tutta la loro inaudita ferocia.

Ho conservato per tutta la vita l’orrore di quei ricordi.

Ma ormai è finita. Sono rimasti in pochi, oggi, tra la desolazione di queste montagne. Il terremoto del ’97 ha trascinato a valle anche gli ultimi abitanti degli antichi borghi medioevali. Qui intorno vedo solo rovine e distruzione.  Gli spettri dei padri, però,  sono rimasti, e le anime degli antichi demoni dell’Appennino sono ancora qui. Sepolti nelle profondità della terra, non più vivi ma non ancora morti, ad attendere, con gli occhi spalancati nelle tenebre, che giunga qualcuno a liberarli.

Presto torneranno. Anche le monache se ne sono andate via. Teodolinda è rimasta sola, nel suo immenso convento desolato e cadente. Ed ha bisogno di me. E io l’aiuterò, perché le sono riconoscente.

Conosco l’abbazia e le sue terribili storie: e non solo perché ho trascorso la mia solitaria infanzia e la mia disperata adolescenza tra queste mura devastate dal tempo e dall’abbandono. Sono un’esperta in paleografia. Ho dedicato gran parte del mio lavoro e della mia vita al restauro dei preziosissimi codici millenari, rinvenuti in una sezione del convento andata sepolta e dispersa in seguito allo spaventoso terremoto del 1235 che provocò morte e distruzione nell’Appennino.  Ricordo ancora che i registri del monastero riportavano una recrudescenza delle pratiche magiche locali proprio in quell’anno, quando il protrarsi della guerra tra papa e imperatore per la conquista della fortezza di Gualdoscuro, aveva devastato le campagne mentre la carestia ne decimò la popolazione.

Sono arrivata. Teodolinda è ad attendermi dinanzi al grande portone di legno scuro e massiccio, rovinato dal gelo, dal vento e dalla pioggia. Se ne sta sotto l’architrave, immobile ed ieratica come i due leoni di pietra che fiancheggiano l’ ingresso. Hanno i volti deturpati e levigati dalle intemperie, le criniere non sventolano più ai freddi venti dell’Adriatico e le zampe levate in alto a ghermire la preda, non sono altro che poveri moncherini corrosi dallo scorrere dei secoli.

- Sono rimasta sola.- E’ il suo unico saluto sussurrato con un tono di voce così freddamente metallico da mettere i brividi.  So perché parla in questo modo. Non ha più le corde vocali. E’ stato un cancro a portargliele via. Adesso l’ aria vibra attraverso un apparecchio che avvicina alla trachea. Ha un buco nella gola, ma è coperto dalle bende bianche dell’abito monastico. Non si vede.  E dire che non ha mai fumato una sigaretta in vita sua. . . .

-          Dove sono le altre?- Chiedo

-          Fuggite- Sussurra mentre mi lascia entrare.

-          E’ tardi, zia.- le dico senza tanti preamboli. – Cosa c’è per cena?

-          Zuppa di farro. E carne bollita.-

Sorrido, ma sono preoccupata. Come è possibile che dodici vecchie monache siano scomparse nel nulla? Fuggite? Ma dove? Mentre attraverso il chiostro per raggiungere l’appartamento di Teodolinda, l’unico rimasto aperto nella desolazione generale, mi stringo nella mia giacca di pile. Troppo leggera, per una sera di novembre tra i monti dell’Appennino umbro- marchigiano.

-          Dovresti venire via con me, zia. – Le dico mentre assaporo la zuppa.

-          Non posso. Sono la badessa. Il mio posto è qui. Questa è la mia casa.-

-          E il terremoto? L’ha mezza distrutta, la tua casa, il terremoto. Non è venuto nessuno, qui? Sono andati tutti ad Assisi?- Sento una nota di rabbia alzarsi nella mia voce, ma cerco di trattenerla. Sono preoccupata, troppo preoccupata per quella vecchia monaca abbandonata in un monastero a cui il terremoto di ottobre ha recato l’insulto finale.

-          Vieni con me, che è tardi.- Mi dice. Ha allontanato  l’orribile aggeggio che rende metallica la sua voce ed ora sussurra pianissimo.

Le vado dietro  per il chiostro, entro nella cappella e poi nella sacrestia. Lungo il muro è stato aperto un varco. L’ingresso di un cunicolo nero e profondo.

-  Seguimi – Ordina con la sua voce spettrale. L’orrore che ha devastato la mia infanzia e la mia adolescenza mi riassale. Vorrei gridare, vorrei fuggire, vorrei morire . . .vorrei ogni cosa, pur di essere lontana da quel posto.

Ha una torcia elettrica potente. L’accende e si inoltra lungo quel budello stretto e maleodorante che scende ripido verso una stanza segreta. E’ l’ antico  sepolcreto del convento. Una camera buia, scavata nel sottosuolo roccioso, ad una profondità tale che la temperatura rimane fredda e costante per tutto il corso dell’anno. Una cella frigorifero, insomma. Ruota il fascio di luce lungo le pareti, ed io trattengo a stento conati di vomito. 

Le dodici monache sono lì, appoggiate lungo i muri di  roccia, abbandonate come marionette vuote, prive di vita e di forma. Per terra, sul pavimento coperto di polvere, noto dei segni scuri tracciati con della carbonella. Hanno la forma di un pentacolo. Nel centro, scorgo i resti di decine e decine di candele consumate.

Ho il corpo scosso da brividi di disgusto e di paura.

- Che cavolo hai combinato, zia?- La voce mi sfugge rabbiosa dai denti serrati e dalle labbra socchiuse. Respiro a fatica. Nonostante il freddo, il tanfo dei corpi in decomposizione è micidiale.

Mi guarda, indirizzando il fascio di luce della pila verso di me per potermi scrutare meglio. La luminosità improvvisa mi abbaglia. Alzo un braccio e me lo poso sulla fronte, a proteggermi gli occhi. La torcia illumina anche lei. E’ orribile. Non mi ero accorta che fosse ridotta in quello stato. Colpa mia. Sono la sua unica parente. Avrei dovuto preoccuparmi della sua salute.

-          Sposta quella maledetta torcia e spiegami cosa è successo. Maledizione.- Ma lei continua a fissarmi immobile, incurante delle mie parole e del mio fastidio.

Anche io la osservo, tra le palpebre socchiuse. Ha il volto scavato, emaciato, butterato. La pelle sembra coperta di squame bluastre. E i suoi occhi grigi brillano, di una sinistra luce rossastra.

-          Che cazzo hai combinato, zia!- Urlo in preda al panico.

Finalmente allontana la torcia dalla mia faccia.

 – Sandra, – sibila con il sussurro gorgogliante di chi non ha più le corde vocali. – Te lo ricordi frate Francesco da Sellano?  -

- Certo che me lo ricordo zia . . .  Sono stata io a ritrovarlo. – Rispondo in preda ad un nefasto presentimento. – Usciamo di qui. Andiamo in chiesa. Il puzzo di questo posto mi soffoca. Non lo senti il lezzo della decomposizione?-

Scuote a fatica la vecchia testa coperta dal velo nero. – Non sono morte. – Sussurra. – Abbiamo celebrato i riti. Non sono morte. Presto torneranno a vivere. Ed io con loro. Abbiamo evocato gli antichi demoni che vivono giù nel profondo. Frate Francesco aveva ragione. L’ energia provocata dal  terremoto ha aperto la strada. Ha rimescolato le faglie più profonde della terra ed ha riportato alla luce gli antichi abitatori degli abissi. E noi li abbiamo evocati. Eravamo sole, vecchie, stanche, malate . . Ma essi sono venuti . . .  e ci hanno promesso la giovinezza e la vita.-

- Davvero, zia?- Sento i lunghi artigli della paura mordermi le carni e sbranarmi le viscere, ma cerco disperatamente di non lasciarmi andare. Fissandola negli occhi vitrei come quelli di un serpente, indietreggio lentamente, verso l’unica via d’uscita.

- Davvero, Sandra. – Sussurra sorridendo.-

Sento uno strano rumore. Degli scricchiolii. Ma  non distolgo lo sguardo da lei. Forse perché non ho il coraggio di guardare. Con la coda dell’occhio, percepisco dei movimenti nella penombra. Sudari neri che strisciano rasenti le pareti. Le dodici sorelle si sono risvegliate. Presto verranno a prendermi.  

- E, cosa vogliono in cambio, zia? – Le chiedo continuando a fissarla negli occhi. Sto ancora indietreggiando, lentamente. Sento una corrente d’aria lungo la schiena. L’uscita è alle mie spalle. Intorno, le dodici sorelle si sono alzate in piedi. Hanno iniziato a strisciare lungo i muri.

- Mangiare. – Sussurra. Sorride. Le labbra si  sollevano e scoprono una fila di zanne aguzze come lame. Non è più mia zia, quella. E’ il demone degli abissi.

Mi porto la mano destra alla gola ed estraggo da sotto la camicetta la piccola croce benedetta che mia madre e mio padre mi  regalarono il giorno del  battesimo.

- Vade retro! – Grido, puntandogliela contro. Poi mi infilo nel cunicolo ed inizio a correre. Il demone rimane interdetto per qualche istante. Il tempo di fuggire. In un attimo arrivo nella sacrestia. Poi nella chiesa. Chiudo la vecchia porta di legno e la sprango. Gli spettri mi sono dietro. Ci metteranno poco a buttarla giù. I loro ululati mi provocano violenti tremiti d’orrore.

Intanto, sono uscita nel chiostro. E’ una notte di luna piena: tersa e gelida. I venti dell’ Adriatico hanno spazzato via le nuvole e i raggi del satellite rischiarano ogni cosa con la loro fredda luce metallica. Attraverso il chiostro e corro in cucina. Ci sono quattro bombole piene.  Svito le manopole. Sento il rumore e l’odore del gas  spandersi nell’aria. Presto Teodolinda sarà qui con la sua torcia, e allora . . . . 

I rumori che giungono dalla chiesa mi informano che le sorelle hanno ormai sfondato la porta della sacrestia.  Velocemente mi dirigo verso l’uscita. Ho vissuto tanti anni in questo posto. Potrei ritrovare ogni strada ad occhi chiusi.

Le sento muoversi. Le sento ululare. Sono in cucina. Guaiscono come cani famelici in cerca della preda.

Spalanco il portone di ingresso e mi precipito verso la  macchina.

Un boato e poi una fiammata intensa.

Metto in moto e fuggo giù per il pendio.

So che non tornerò mai più a santa Cunegonda.



76 Commenti a “Ritorno a casa”

  1. Andrea dice:

    Ciao Maria Cristina. Che bella sorpresa questo tuo racconto!!
    Una storia gotica “alla vecchia maniera”, che in questi anni di orrori moderni, ci racconta invece l’orrore intramontabile, quello delle profondita’, quello che alletta gli uomini con le solite promesse.
    Molto riuscita l’atmosfera generale, intrigante il tono della voce narrante. L’unico rimpianto e’ che e’ un po’ corto :)
    Grazie per avercelo fatto leggere.

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    Ne hai altre? :)
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Since the period of great change in the social transformation, westerly progressive, survivors and Republican officials in the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty had to wear togas, there is a large Western-style dress to wear while in the palace, with the arrival of Johnstons English teacher, to Puyi opens up a whole new world, his ideas are alive and began advocating Western civilization obsessed with Western life, he cut the braids lead, robe and learned teacher wearing a suit. Since then, the suit has become almost essential clothing Puyi, never left Tianjin period of his life, Pu Yi to leave the Forbidden City, down the throne room, took off his robe, get rid of the palace of rules and prohibitions, live in more comfortable and casual Tianjin The life in exile, but also more open and westernized in clothing. In addition to wearing a long robe, the more time is to wear a suit and tie is very careful of their color stripes must be consistent with the suit. To put myself dressed like a Westerner, I try to take advantage of the benefits Royce, Longmao Matheson so foreign clothing stores, diamonds, decorate themselves as classic magazine Foreign aristocratic look on. Suit, shoes and glasses are bought and bought, even jackets, uniforms, hunting, tuxedo, and even do not wear all kinds of sportswear nothing. Puyi started wearing glasses at age fifteen, when Johnston found his myopic eyes may recommend to please foreign ophthalmologist check, but it was a toffee their strong opposition, and later in Puyis repeated insistence, or check out. Since then, he put on his glasses. According to the spectacle Book records: He Forty three glasses, brunette seventeen, seventeen white, blue eight, yellow one. He usually likes to wear sunglasses early Manchukuo, Puyi most of the time wearing yellow uniforms, often wearing a suit, a suit is usually a light color such as beige or white, occasionally wear Chinese Paogua. However, when the ceremony was held, was wearing a military uniform or Western formal dress, while in the palace ritual, then wear Qing Dynasty costumes. March 1, 1932, under the director of the Japanese Kwantung Army, Manchukuo was established on March 9, Pu Yi, dressed in Western-style dress early, took office in Changchun Taoyin bureaucratic power. September 15, 1932, at the signing ceremony after the event full day Protocol, the Pu Yi, dressed in a tuxedo speech. March 1, 1934, Pu Yi Teng third pole, when the emperor of Manchukuo, reporting day held on the outskirts of the ancient ritual throne Changchun Heng Fa Chuen, Puyi wear the coveted robes, which are there from Beijing Winwise Toffee is taken to save the Emperor two years through robes. But dreams are too short, robes yet muggy, back to the pseudo-utero government, according to the Japanese Kwantung Army immediately demands put on special clothing factory by the Mukden Manchukuo Marshal sea and air military dress, carried Teng pole ceremony. Now we see year after the emperor Pu Yi Teng pole Manchukuo photos, this body is to wear nondescript clothing emperor Puyi became emperor of Manchukuo, once or twice every year to other provinces, inspecting, or in the city attend various celebrations, and when he met with a person or office, basically wear uniforms. Annual New Year, Pu Yi in utero government should accept the ground floor, people in Beijing Extraordinary officer and any officer Jane Kun He, then Pu Yi was wearing Western Morning. However, the identity of the Emperor Pu Yis just a prop Japanese Kwantung Army, they need to show up when the emperor, he was out of the cosmetic and, more often, he is no deed can be done. Politically, Pu Yi, helpless, and boring, so had to practice their own pseudo-palace ideals and aspirations, he personally gave the palace to learn nephews pseudo design clothes, he designed a set of school uniforms, stand-up collar, four a pocket, seven buttons, there is a collar, tie and jacket for the grass green, black pants, students wear in the New Years Day and the birthday of Pu Yi, he sometimes wears. He also emulate Germany and Frances cap badge, hat and designed a boat marked with a ball below the cap badge with a few sticks, dreams allow these students to rally around him to realize his dream of restoration. Puyi dress special attention, sometimes four or five day want to change clothes, shirts to wash every day, and every laundry flat. From the time left to see historical photos, post Manchukuo, Puyi more often when wearing army uniforms, wearing a suit but less Food is food in the ancient palace occupies an important position. Said the Emperor eat patronizing emperor called Royal Tea Shanfang kitchen is designed for the emperor to make meals, cakes and drinks. Qing imperial tea Shanfang temple was originally located in the east and surrounded the room, after thirteen years of Qianlong on the arrows to set up booths at the Forbidden City in the East outside the library among its institutional features within Shanfang outside Shanfang, meat room, library Forbidden City during the dry meat, although Puyi abdicated as emperor, but still live in the Forbidden City, the cost of living allocated by the government of the Republic, the emperor lived life as usual, the Royal Tea Shanfang remains. So, in luxury, ostentation extent favorably meal on the former emperor of life. Pu Pu Yi Jia went to the palace to do with reading for five years, had to eat at the same table with Pu Yi, Pu Yi witnessed the pomp dining. He recalls: Puyi meal in East Snappers, meal meals always put thirty-four square table, ten kinds of vegetables as much as six or seven, plus four toffee sent two dozen dishes, rice There are three of four, a dozen dishes, porridge five six of them. Although put so much food, but eat in front of him Puyi few. Pu Jias statement may be an exaggeration. According to Pu Yi told myself. Empress Dowager there are about a hundred different dishes for each meal, and he also has thirty down. If in 1920 the early lunar month 14, dinner alone, Zaoshan: bowl steamed donkey, boiled cabbage bowl, small bowl of chicken slip, slip bowl cucumbers, five-inch dish cooked purple cap, five-inch disc Crisp fire, five-inch dish Sauce, five-inch dish Fried cabbage, bean porridge pot. Dinner: bowl of stew meat, cherries, frozen tofu stew bowl, small bowl of carrots, a small bowl of fried belly, five-inch dish of fried leek sprouts, five-inch dish of fried lump tassel. In addition, with a variety of fruit, snacks, such as fruit tables once there twenty-four kind, large flat sugar, sugar accounted peach, peanut representing large watermelon seeds, gold cake, Jujube, sand preserved fruit, apricot, sesame Research milk volume, milk and honey cake rolls, peas pudding, green bean cake, mandarin, wide pear, apple, pear, apple smug, narcissus pear, chestnut south, warm Park, preserves Begonia, candied orange, bergamot plums, candied mandarin. These are just for show and, Pu Yi does not like to eat their meal toffee also sent twenty dishes, Puyi eat these palace generally eat two meals, breakfast at about eleven oclock, dinner at five pm , eat some snacks for breakfast or afternoon. Pu Yi is no fixed time to eat, when to eat what he wanted, he commanded pass meal, meals imperial eunuch pass immediately shouted, carrying dozens of eunuchs mighty meal tables straight Hall of Mental Cultivation, in the East Snappers gracefully imperial, each dish has a silver medal, which is used to test drug, in fact, brought before the dish, must first be a eunuch taste meal, when the silver is removed on a small eunuch Cook, Pu Yi Fang began meal Pu Yis English teacher since Johnston entered the Forbidden City, Pu Yis life began westernized diet, eating Western food for a keen interest in the house and set up a Western Shanfang, make the four Western chefs. Daily breakfast, start eating Western food, usually bread, soft drinks, coffee, cream, ice cream, cereals, milk and the like Puyi drinking water is also unusual, since Qianlong from the palace of drinking water are specifically taken from the western suburbs of Beijing Yuquan Mountain water. In Beijing, every afternoon theres a yellow flag stuck in a donkey cart carrying water unimpeded by Xizhimen, even at night, Beijing gates are open exclusively Pu Yi was expelled from the palace in the first years of this car tankers Pu Yi was the imperial kitchen has daily costly, so small court getting too much, so he decided to reduce the size of the imperial house, the chef from 200 people to 37 people, the kind of meal is also reduced, and finally the West Shanfang also laid off, food has become increasingly simple Tianjin period, Pu Yis life tends to be westernized diet. Commodity-rich, luxurious luxury, active playground, are unprecedented in the Forbidden City, with its expanded horizons, which tend to be more westernized eating habits. During this period, Puyi eat the food, he often carries Empress Wan Rong Kai 澹灄瑗?and sister to the restaurants, because like the food, and later when he went to Changchun, a puppet emperor, specifically the Western chefs Wang Fengnian here, in Seiwa please continue to do for him Changchun Western. In his imperial room dedicated to him six Western chef, but also a special kind of Japanese chef, showing his preference for Western Manchukuo period, the emperor Pu Yi made a dream though, but the restoration of the Qing The desire was not realized, just a puppet emperor in the Japanese Kwantung Army manipulation. Puppet Palace is the former Bureau of Jilin and Heilongjiang knock transport and Garam location, Puyi office and residence in this small place, its power is limited to their own little palace, when Puyi far in conjunction with the standard diet during phase Forbidden City House than in the inner court of the palace circle pseudo-group room, which has a brick bungalow on the west side, where the diet is designed for Puyi waiter and Shanfang. The waiter suggests that it is burning tea, Pu Yi tea usually is not much to drink tea, and it is now brewed by the waiter, he drank distilled water, the waiter also made a variety of beverages. He likes to drink pear juice, apple juice, orange juice, hawthorn soup, lotus root soup, lemon soup, almond tea, Wandou Huang, these are squeezed with fruit, sometimes drinking coffee. After dinner every day, Puyi have asked to accompany him to eat people, something to drink? These people can be to some drinks waiter. Sabo is also responsible for doing the candied fruit, prepare some seeds, pears and other snacks can be divided in pseudo palace of Shanfang Shanfang and West Shanfang, in the case of white and red Shanfang case, white case designed to do a variety of staple foods such as rice, noodles points; red case is designed to do Fusi, such as fried, fried, smoked, grilled, stewed and so on. During this period, far from the Forbidden City, Pu Yis imperial pomp comparable period, but the dietary requirements are favorably. He ate vegetables, fish, meat, eggs are bought are now eating fresh. Kitchen Cook ready to advance, and to be more prepared several, because he might want to eat anything, eat well, but also redone, he said mass meal, they begin to fry now. Eat vegetables must be washed five times, first with cold water to wash, then cold open water, and finally with distilled water. Also pure lean meat, a pound of meat packed, it only forty-two around. Buy more things, even if that did not move, and never allows each chef to make a dish. When every New Year, must purchase a number of fresh produce and pickles from Peking. Pu Yis imperial done by a large kitchen, and later the palace of Queen honored Shirley Tan Yuling, Li Yuqin by doing their own kitchenette. If you let the big kitchen done in advance by Puyi was allowed to use. Pseudo-palace with cutlery are produced in Jingdezhen porcelain Queen, yellow, words printed on the bottom of the Qing, and later there is a printed Manchukuo national flower Orchid tableware, silver chopsticks chopsticks are followed pseudo-palace of Chinese and Western dishes have hundreds of sets of daily living without the law as much as Pu Yi, often one or two oclock midnight to sleep, get up in the morning until ten oclock, eleven points to eat breakfast, afternoon six or seven, or even ten points late dinner, one day eat two meals, and there is no fixed time, fixed location, guerrilla-style dinner. On the balcony, hallway, yard, when he wanted to eat, and soon pass meal, the kitchen started to cook, and then to the kitchen to taste the meal never complained, never complained tasted unappetizing, it is necessary to redo, all Puyi say delicious, this dish cooks should do all their eating. Never complained tasted believe it, Cook into the food containers, seal affixed by the pseudo-class kids palace duty to mention the past, face Kaifeng, when serving each dish has a silver son, is used to detect Are toxic. Remove the dish from each one never complained Tihe, and called, what dish, and the chef is doing what. Puyi and his family like to eat, eat there often accompany him to his siblings and nephews, he also likes to grab food with everyone, first grab a dish, and then grab a second dish, grab Cook until the last. Sixty-seven dish meal, or a dozen dishes, occasionally chicken meat, the staple food is rice and millet, lotus leaf cake, steamed cake, bread and other hi word, and a variety of rice porridge cooked together. Since Puyi long Buddhist, late Manchukuo, he began a vegetarian, do not let even put onion and garlic. He also likes to eat slipped tofu, spinach soup, white fungus soup, mashed potatoes, cable croquettes, eggs, powder, etc., he ate tofu are made to do their own pseudo-palace, soybeans are a selection of one, also want to eat rice capsules selection, he also likes to eat eggplant stuffed dumplings, stuffed eggplant discovery is black, asked why the black kitchen eating to him, he dared. Puyi suspicious, but got a little older, he deliberately prepared thousands of times a microscope to check the food hygiene, whenever found to have black spots on dishes, dessert, the chef will suffer, not to fight, that is a penalty, but he If you feel good, but also to the chef sent gratuities. Hai Ba leftover vegetables rewarded servant Manchukuo period, Puyi retained eat Western food habits. In a pseudo-palace dedicated Shanfang West for its western food. He also gave him time in Tianjin Western chef Wang Fengnian, SD brought in Changchun, continue to give him a Western. He ate the food, usually two dishes a soup, a dessert, plus bread, fruit. First came dish or snack, sometimes a cocktail, then a soup, two dishes, usually accompanied by a number of beef dishes, and finally on a dessert, coffee and fruit. Sometimes when Puyi eat Western food and drink a little wine or brandy. Puyi on Western prefer, sometimes a month to eat Western food consecutive weeks, have less time to eat eight or ten days a month, that is, do not eat Western food, and let him do the Wang Fengnian a soup. His meal time is not fixed, but when compared to fixed eat Western food, and, Puyi out inspecting, should bring Western chefs. Pu Yi Ci Yan pseudo palace often performed, held a banquet, then are eating Western food, Western Shanfang pseudo palace only to make a single copy of Pu Yi, Western, Western others are done by the new Congress and the hotel chef Beijing . Moreover, each party must be played by the pseudo-western music add to the fun Puyi court orchestra like drinking, but not drunk. And, also like smoking, is generally produced in the UK suck owl, 8335, thirty-six, March cigarettes live is another major factor in the survival of mankind, people living in the pursuit of perfection than the imperial palace. 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  10. docyde533 dice:

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あなたは>ノートパソコンやUSBをシリアル変換し、あなたのJDM2を使用していますか? 問題の一般的な原因のthats。名誉オープニングベルセレモニーでニューヨーク証券取引所での取引の日を開始, [url=http://www.tuscaloosasportsfoundation.com/ダムトラックス-speedwheelj-スピードウィールj-バイザー付-バイク用-ジェットヘルメット-456018590002280off-p-7886.html][b][ダムトラックス] SPEEDWHEEL-J スピードウィール-J バイザー付 バイク用 ジェットヘルメット 4560185900022【80%OFF】[/b][/url], [url=http://www.oldworldfountains.com/アディダス-adidasガッツレー-インドア-gazelle-indoor-light-scarletwhitev23175-p-4474.html][b]アディダス adidasガッツレー インドア GAZELLE INDOOR LIGHT SCARLET/WHITE(V23175)[/b][/url], 最近までBARRA BARRAバングラデシュ農村復興協会、(株)での債券のテクニカルディレクターだったマーク·Wainger、; フランク·J·ファボツィフランクJ.ファボツィ経営のイェール大学でファイナンスのフレデリックフランク非常勤教授である。 彼は1994年からイェール大学で教鞭をとる。、CPA(コンピュータ記者協会、ランディング、ニュージャージー州)は、コンピュータジャーナリズムの卓越性を促進し、1983年に設立された、以前の会員組織。 毎年恒例の賞は、印刷、放送、電子メディアにおける優れた例を光栄。 2000年に解散公認会計士、ポートフォリオ·マネジメント誌、経営のイェール大学の大学院でファイナンスの非常勤教授や債券およびデリバティブエリアでのコンサルタントのエディタです。, [url=http://www.kimberlycollege.com/ミュウミュウ-財布-c-10.html][b]ミュウミュウ 財布[/b][/url], [url=http://www.kimberlycollege.com/ミュウミュウ-財布-c-10.html]http://www.kimberlycollege.com/ミュウミュウ-財布-c-10.html[/url], [url=http://www.kimberlycollege.com/超安いmiumiuミュウミュウ-カーフ-2wayハンドバッグ-rn0853-uxp-314-05p02mar14-p-2098.html][b]【超安い】MIUMIU/ミュウミュウ カーフ 2WAYハンドバッグ RN0853 UXP 314 05P02Mar14[/b][/url], [url=http://www.tuscaloosasportsfoundation.com/電装部品-c-129_177.html][b]電装部品[/b][/url], ニューヨーク、ニューヨーク、状態、ユナイテッドStatesNewニューヨーク、アメリカの中東大西洋状態。 (:BNP、TYO:8665ユーロネクスト)が1であることはバーモント州、マサチューセッツ州、コネチカット、大西洋、(E)、ニュージャージー州とペンシルベニア(S)、湖エリーオンタリオおよびBNPパリバBNPパリバのカナダの州と国境を接している ヨーロッパとフランスのメインバンクの。 これは、パリ国立銀行(BNP)とパリバが合併して2000年5月23日に作成されました。 ニューヨークでの債券業務の中ホールローントレーディンググループのディレクターとしてデビッドポロウスキーの任命を発表しています。 DaveはグレゴリーLattanzio、ホールローン取引の先頭に報告し、デューデリジェンス調査の管理を頂戴いたします。 解析; 宿題。 それはそう聞こえるので、この用語は、全産業ではやっている「有線」。 彼らはデューデリジェンスを行うことができたときに誰が分析や研究をしたいと思う。 有線参照してください。 、group.Daveの契約者金融やトランザクション管理機能は、彼が2001年以来、デューデリジェンスのマネージング·ディレクターとして、デューデリジェンス部門を開発し、管理ミルウォーキーの住宅ローンのデータマネジメント·コーポレーションからのBNPパリバを結合します。その前に、彼はのようにキダーピーボディで働いていた シニアバイスプレジデント兼シニア·ホールローントレーダー。 彼はまた、クレディ·スイス·ファースト·ボストン·クレディ·スイス·ファースト·ボストンで6年間過ごした元々Financire Crdit·スイス·ファースト·ボストン、ファースト·ボストン·コーポレーションとクレディ·スイスとの間で1978年に形成されたロンドンを拠点に50 50投資銀行の合弁会社の商号だった。 任命にoperations.Commenting住宅ローンのコンジットを管理、ズビグニエフRyzak、ニューヨークでの金利トレーディングのヘッド我々は住宅ローンの専門家の我々のチームにデーブを歓迎して満足している」と述べた。彼の任命は、継続的な成長のもう一つの重要なステップであり、 住宅ローンプラットフォームとUSD USDAbout BNP ParibasPlease拡大[この記事を改善する]またはノートページ上の問題を議論する。、米国とアジアでの主導的な地位が大幅に成長していると存在感。BNPパリバは、初の銀行である 純利益(2004)の面でユーロ圏。グループは最大の国際的な銀行ネットワークの一つ、85カ国以上に存在感があり、約8万ヨーロッパで含む以上105,000人の従業員を採用しています。BNPパリバは、その3つのコアで重要な位置を楽しんでいます 企業:コーポレートおよびインベストメントバンキング、資産運用サービス及びリテールバンキング」。BNPパリバ任命ニューヨークの資産担保証券取引のラファエル·ゴンザレス·ヘッド, この場合には、換言すれば、彼らは彼らの契約は保険契約のように扱われたい。 これは他の方法で負担彼ら出来ますが、もちろん、彼らは、保険として規制のCDSをしたいことはありません。, 同社は、かなりこの時点で評価に見えます。 私たちは、企業が当面、当社の公正価値の見積りの範囲内で取引することを期待しています。 当社の株価は86ドルを下回った場合は、私たちは詳しく見ていくと、私たちの最高のアイデアニュースレターの市場鼓動のポートフォリオに追加することを検討したい。 私たちは、今後数年間で約7.7%を平均化する当社のフリー·キャッシュ·フロー·マージンを期待しています。 本の資本に対する負債は25.6%となりました、一方、総債務toEBITDAは、昨年2.3であった。, プリペイド家賃アカウントから削除されますどのくらいかを決定するために、私たちは毎月費やされているどのくらいの家賃を計算してみましょう。

  11. ppbbsa376 dice:

    多量の水を飲む、たとえではないthirsty.Avoidアルコール飲料; アルコールは、庭仕事や運動などの関連illnesses.Decrease身体活動を加熱するための人のリスクを高めることができます。, [url=http://www.boulderridgewines.com/可愛いエルメスhermes-ケリー-32黒ゴールド金具-p-7626.html][b]可愛いエルメス(Hermes) ケリー 32黒×ゴールド金具[/b][/url], バーナード、南Cumminsville、Symmes郷、メイソン、ハミルトン、連合郷、ウォールナットヒルズ、ウェストチェスター、ワイオミング州、ウェスト·価格·ヒル、ウェストウッド、ウィントン·ヒルズ、アレクサンドリア、ベルビュー、コビントン、クレセントスプリングス、アーランガー、フォートミッチェル、フォート·トーマス、フォート ライト、フィレンツェ、ヘブロン、ハイランドハイツ、ニューポート、サウスゲート、ヴィラヒルズ、ウォルトン、オーロラ、グリーンデール、とローレンス.., [url=http://www.seekdirectory.biz/dg--c-12_56_58.html]http://www.seekdirectory.biz/dg–c-12_56_58.html[/url], [url=http://www.seekdirectory.biz/chanel-シャネル-c-221_222.html][b]CHANEL シャネル [/b][/url], [url=http://www.seekdirectory.biz/大人気 美品-breitlingブライトリング-腕時計-p-17736.html][b]大人気 美品 BREITLING-ブライトリング 腕時計[/b][/url], [url=http://www.palmairtravel.com/paraboot-c-1_89.html][b]Paraboot[/b][/url], [url=http://www.palmairtravel.com/oakley-holbrook-oo910236-ホルブルック-matte-blackred-ilidium-メンズ-レディース-スポーツ-アイウェア-p-5034.html][b]OAKLEY HolBrook oo9102-36 ホルブルック Matte Black/Red Ilidium メンズ レディース スポーツ アイウェア[/b][/url], 10月3日、2012ByアンドリューJ·コックスは、3〜6週間に設定した回復時刻表で、9月8日に彼の左足を負傷した。, [url=http://www.palmairtravel.com/tatras-c-3_113.html]http://www.palmairtravel.com/tatras-c-3_113.html[/url], [url=http://www.boulderridgewines.com/財布小物-c-142_144.html]http://www.boulderridgewines.com/財布小物-c-142_144.html[/url], 彼らは私たちの祖先は230年前にアメリカの憲法に安置生命、自由及び幸福追求に対する奪い得ない権利を追求する自由であるため、バーバンク、グレンデール、ラCaadaフリントリッジのコミュニティが繁栄する。, [url=http://www.boulderridgewines.com/2way-c-30_31_160.html][b]2WAY[/b][/url], 彼女の両親は、ロンとダイアン·ナイトは、彼らは棺が霊柩車から棺を削除見て、悲しみにしわくちゃの顔でお互いにしがみつい。, [url=http://www.boulderridgewines.com/ルイヴィトン louis-vuitton ヴィトン lv 財布 ダミエグラフィット メンズ ラウンドジップ長財布 ジッピーオーガナイザー n6307702p04aug13-p-7024.html][b]ルイヴィトン LOUIS VUITTON ヴィトン LV 財布 ダミエ·グラフィット メンズ ラウンドジップ長財布 ジッピー·オーガナイザー N6307702P04Aug13[/b][/url], [url=http://www.palmairtravel.com/chippewa-c-1_19.html][b]CHIPPEWA[/b][/url], [url=http://www.palmairtravel.com/patrick-st-polarize-パトリック-スニーカー-靴-セント-ポラライズ-wht10000-ss10-p-5898.html][b]PATRICK St POLARIZE パトリック スニーカー 靴 セント ポラライズ WHT(10000 SS10) [/b][/url], 150馬力20バルブは、4気筒1.8Tモデルはユニークな合金の車輪と下げサスペンション、高いレートのスプリングとショック、個別の合金の車輪、そしてZ定格サーキットタイヤV6はまだオプションでしたが含まれ、オプションのスポーツパッケージと一緒に紹介されたターボチャージャー装備。, [url=http://www.boulderridgewines.com/コインケースカードケース-c-61_83.html][b]コインケース·カードケース[/b][/url], [url=http://www.boulderridgewines.com/プラダ-prada-カードケース1m1122-名刺入れカード入れsaffiano-metal型押しカーフcipriaベージュピンク系レディース最安値挑戦-p-4293.html][b]プラダ PRADA カードケース1M1122 名刺入れ/カード入れSAFFIANO METAL(型押しカーフ)CIPRIA(ベージュピンク系)レディース【最安値挑戦】[/b][/url], ジョンストンは、彼が彼が彼の旅行のスケジュールに収まることができ、すべてのゲームを見て、オタワセネターは水曜日の夜に残業でゴールを勝利逃したために失望したと言います。, [url=http://www.palmairtravel.com/converse-one-star-j-コンバース ワンスター ジャパン-osjblkwht-p-806.html][b]CONVERSE ONE STAR J 【コンバース ワンスター ジャパン】 osj-blk-wht[/b][/url], 顧客は、盗まれた本を検索する助けを必要と美しく、まだオタク女性です。, 花嫁と新郎の家の花柄、カスタムメニューオプション、DJのサービスや写真撮影やビデオ撮影に選択した場合は、追加料金が必要となります。, 地元の人々はまた、センター計画とこれから先のビジョンについての詳細を調べる機会を得るでしょう。, それは彼が実際の人間のように馬の治療開始way.Untilで、ちょっと甘いです。

  12. nopjwk205 dice:

    学生は、大学に在籍していることでインターンシップのために、その学校から学術的信用を受信することにより、インターンシップの対象となります。, [url=http://www.kountryhomeprinting.com/オークリー-レーシングジャケットracing-jacket-c-1_19.html][b]オークリー レーシングジャケット/RACING JACKET[/b][/url], 「個人の生涯の間に4足から2への移行は、我々はめったに動物で見ない非常に珍しい成長パターンであるが、我々は人間でそれを見ますか? ライスは言った。, [url=http://www.preniumdirectory.com/コーチ-coach-バッグ-メンズ-レザー-レキシントン-コミューター-ビジネスバッグ-マホガニー-f70707-svmasmtbmsあす楽対応-p-2124.html][b]コーチ COACH バッグ メンズ レザー レキシントン コミューター ビジネスバッグ マホガニー F70707 SV/MA【smtb-MS】【あす楽対応】[/b][/url], [url=http://www.kountryhomeprinting.com/オークリー-サングラス-フロッグスキン-24304-oakley-frogskins-life-style-ブラック系カラー-p-114.html][b]オークリー サングラス フロッグスキン 24-304 OAKLEY FROGSKINS LIFE STYLE ブラック系カラー [/b][/url], DTVは、現在のアナログ方式よりも柔軟で効率的な技術です。, [url=http://www.trendwines.com/coach-財布-c-5.html]http://www.trendwines.com/coach-財布-c-5.html[/url], [url=http://www.trendwines.com/coach-パスポートケース-c-12.html]http://www.trendwines.com/coach-パスポートケース-c-12.html[/url], [url=http://www.trendwines.com/コーチ-coach-デイジー-シグネチャー-ラージ-トートバッグ-f14878-skhwt-p-627.html][b]【コーチ COACH】 デイジー シグネチャー ラージ トートバッグ F14878 SKHWT[/b][/url], [url=http://www.preniumdirectory.com/種類別-c-1_36_99.html]http://www.preniumdirectory.com/種類別-c-1_36_99.html[/url], [url=http://www.preniumdirectory.com/ボッテガヴェネタ-ベルト-bottega-veneta-ブラック-nappa-184569-v00a8-1000smtbmsあす楽対応luxury-brand-selection-p-4033.html][b]ボッテガ-ヴェネタ ベルト BOTTEGA VENETA ブラック NAPPA 184569 V00A8 1000【smtb-MS】【あす楽対応】【Luxury Brand Selection】 [/b][/url], 我々は、ユーザーのレンタルや慈善寄付からすべての私達の収入を受け、登録された慈善団体です。, [url=http://www.preniumdirectory.com/ネックレス-c-8_227_228.html][b]ネックレス[/b][/url], [url=http://www.kountryhomeprinting.com/オークリー-サングラス-モンスタードッグ-05013-oakley-monster-dog-active-ブラウン系カラー-p-108.html][b]オークリー サングラス モンスタードッグ 05-013 OAKLEY MONSTER DOG ACTIVE ブラウン系カラー [/b][/url], また、このテストでは、スター試験や他の人が行うのと同じ方法で、生徒の読解力をテストするために設計されていません。, [url=http://www.kountryhomeprinting.com/オークリー-ジュリエットjuliet-c-1_5.html]http://www.kountryhomeprinting.com/オークリー-ジュリエットjuliet-c-1_5.html[/url], 再開発ワイルダー公園西側の収集エリア、歩道橋、子供の遊び場、市場空間、湿地環境センターや芝生演奏会場:計画は、5つの異なるスペースで広大な海岸線の公園を打ち出した。, [url=http://www.kountryhomeprinting.com/oo916303-オークリー-サングラス-ファストジャケット-xl-アジアンフィット-oakley-fast-jacket-xl-asian-fit-sport-ブルー系カラー-p-403.html][b]oo9163-03 オークリー サングラス ファストジャケット XL アジアンフィット OAKLEY FAST JACKET XL ASIAN FIT SPORT ブルー系カラー[/b][/url], [url=http://www.preniumdirectory.com/ブルガリbvlgari-c-1_130.html][b]ブルガリ/BVLGARI[/b][/url], [url=http://www.preniumdirectory.com/エンポリオ-アルマーニ-emporio-armani-コインポケット付き-6連キーケース-ブラック-yema31yh185-80001smtbmsあす楽対応楽ギフ包装選択-p-3911.html][b]エンポリオ アルマーニ EMPORIO ARMANI コインポケット付き 6連キーケース ブラック YEMA31YH185 80001【smtb-MS】【あす楽対応】【楽ギフ_包装選択】[/b][/url], ニューヨークのバチャータ:バチャータはもともとそれが少ないクラスを意識し、自宅の音楽を受け入れること熱望していたドミニカ移住者人口に受け入れ、ニューヨークではなく、ドミニカ共和国で今日を楽しんでいることが人気のレベルに達した。, [url=http://www.kountryhomeprinting.com/oakley-fast-jacket-xl-c-20_22.html]http://www.kountryhomeprinting.com/oakley-fast-jacket-xl-c-20_22.html[/url], HD 4400の上に、HD 5000と一緒に行くの本当の利点は、あなたがより低い周波数で同様の性能を得ることができるため、消費電力に関係しています/ HDの5000中のEUの数の倍増のおかげ電圧。, ここでメロディックのping、そこにヒップホップのサンプルが、ありがたいことに、苦い強度を損なわすぎサッカリン何:非常に少ない甘味料がありました。, アメリカス·ファイナンス部長スザンヌフリーマン、元アメリカス警察署長マークゲルビノの元市に由来アメリカス市長バリーブラント、市CAOローラ·リー·バーンスタイン、旧市CAOシャーロットコットンと市長とAmericus.The訴訟の市議会に対して別々の訴訟を提起してきた フリーマン市クレジットカードでの光誤用、障害のあるガスの課金システムを通じて納税者の数千ドルの給与の乱用および損失をもたらした2013年3月に開始した一連のイベント。, 任意の在来種を育てる島で多くの新規生態系があった? 彼らは生態系サービスを提供していましたか? 彼は様々な高度での様々な年齢層の溶岩流上に成長する46の森林を研究し、アルビジア(Falcatariaのmoluccana)、東南アジアから急成長ツリー、およびオーストラリアのアイアンウッド(モクマオウのequisetifolia)を含む様々な種が支配。

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    Another Model J offshoot was the JN introduced in 1935. An attempt to give a far more modern look for an aging design, the JN was loaded with smaller 17 inch diameter wheels (versus 19 inches), skirted fenders, bullet shaped taillights, and bodies intent on the frame rails to have a lower look. Supercharged JNs gained the logical SJN designation.

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